Many patients are afraid of going to the dentist. Dental anxiety is exceedingly common and can have a devastating effect on the health of your gums and teeth. Not receiving the primary dental care necessary to prevent dental problems from occurring can be quite harmful. Routine dental cleanings and examinations can help avoid gum disease and alert us of any possible issues, such as the growth of a cavity. Patients who suffer from extreme dental anxiety when going to the dentist can take advantage of oral conscious sedation. It allows for a calm and relaxing experience through every phase of treatment.f
Oral conscious sedation involves using oral medication in combination with nitrous oxide to attain a correct level of relaxation so that you can calmly undergo the dental care you need. The entire process is quite simple and comfortable. The doctor will instruct you when you should take the oral medication, which is typically the night before your dental appointment. You should be accompanied by a family member or a friend for the procedure. Since you have already taken the oral medication, you will arrive at the dentist’s office more rested and relaxed. If further needed, nitrous oxide will be given to relax you during the appointment completely, and the dental team will monitor your vital signs during the procedure. Even though your dental procedures may take hours to complete, you may feel as if only a few minutes have elapsed. Most of the patients feel so relaxed that they fall asleep in the dentist’s chair. Sedation medications have an amnesic effect, and as a result, you will have little memory of the visit. The effects of the sedative should decrease by the following day.
Call us at Los Cerritos or schedule an online appointment to know more about Oral Conscious Sedation